Continued Thanks And Holiday Wishes From The Team At Roger’s Plumbing

Continued Thanks And Holiday Wishes From The Team At Roger’s PlumbingWe’re on a roll, so let’s keep this gratitude-fest going while we wait for Christmas to arrive! Technician Riley says, “I’m grateful for my parents who have always stood behind me and taught me to love life to the fullest. For co-worker – Roger, who has taught me to be a leader and has led me further in my career as a plumber.” (Bucking for an extra Christmas bonus there, Riley? Just kidding.)Riley recalls a time this year when a client called panicked because she had no hot water and a houseful of wedding guests! “I went out after hours, replaced their water heater and cleaned up the water on the floor that had leaked from the broken water heater. Ask that client if she loves us. She’ll probably say ‘I do!” (Yeah, we get it.)Riley is looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Unless there’s an emergency call, of course, like a houseful of guests and no hot water! Chilling!Another one our technicians, Stephen is grateful to his children, saying, “I see the world through their eyes and am still learning about life because of them.” Little-known fact: Stephen has a pet turtle who’s been with him 25 years! What do you get a turtle for Christmas, much less one that’s been around that long?When it comes to co-workers, Stephen tells us, “All the people I work with are great, but I’m especially thankful for Roger, giving me the chance to be part of his team.” Aww, gosh.Looking back over the year and memorable moments, Stephen recalls, “I remember when Riley and I went out on a call together. This elderly woman had two water heaters and both were shut off. It was such a simple fix, but she was so grateful, it just warmed our hearts.”Stephen is looking forward to relaxing with friends and my two boys. And taking Joseph the turtle for a brisk walk, no doubt!Next time, we’ll hear from our Apprentice Graham, and welcome a brand new team member to our crew! On behalf of everyone at Roger’s Plumbing, make it a great week and be kind to one another! And if you have a plumbing emergency, don’t hesitate to call (737) 285-4346! Or book online, as long as you’re on our website. You’re just a few clicks away from making drips go away!

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